It’s all about the school

2015 HAS been a year full of changes and Yonsei University was no exception. The Baekyang-ro renovation hasfinally been completedpresenting to the students a new facade of what had been a mere construction site for the past two years. The new course registration system, the Yonsei Course Enrollment System (Y-CES) that combines three processes- mileage, time ticket and waiting number - was implemented for the first time. Changes do not stop here. The Residential College (RC) program was further strengthened and modified to supplement to the various problems and inconveniences found last year, and even the academiccalendar was changed to include a study week before the finals. Along with such changes, the Yon-ko Games, Dae-dong-je and Akaraka have continued as regular annual events, but of course, with more success and excitement. For December’s Enquete column, The Yonsei Annals asked Yonseians questions regarding the school across the board.  Hopefully, some of these statistics will act as a stimulant and a stepping stone for a better year ahead, and a better university. 

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