An introduction to sports lectures and activities

ARE YOU suffering from sore necks, red eyes, chronic backaches and low physical strength due to the tremendous amount of studying? Well, the solution may be simply to exercise and learn self-control. You don't need a professional dietician or a physical trainer, you could actually get access to various health classes, nutrition classes, and fitness facilities at Yonsei.


  • Physical education courses

▲ Folk Dance
  You can enjoy various co-ed physical activities at Yonsei: tennis, soccer, swimming, golf, basketball, volleyball, self-defense, folk dance, badminton, yoga, hiphop dance, inline skate, jazz dance, taekwondo, table tennis, aerobics, dance sports and fencing (both Western and Korean) from "Health and Sports" (general elective courses). Body building, scuba diving, water skiing and even wake board are also taught in Dept. of Sport and Leisure Studies and Dept. of Physical Education.

▲ Self-defense
* Some courses are for student athletes; it may be difficult to get a good grade.

* Courses only for female students are available for swimming, basketball, self-defense and yoga.

* Intermediate courses are available for tennis, swimming, basketball, golf, badminton, and table tennis.

* A course is provided in English for fencing.

* Freshman Seminar: "Hiking in the Suburban Areas of Seoul" (UCS1001-35) consists of monthly hiking events at mountains in or near Seoul. Grades are wholly based on participation and you get a pass or non-pass.


  • Learn about nutrition and health

  Nutrition in Modern Life (UCL1201): Basic knowledge about nutrition is taught. Also, guidelines to prevent modern diseases through controlling our diet are provided.

  Modern Society and Mental Health (UCL1205): The course provides students with knowledge on controlling mental health from a psychological point of view.

  Medical Nutrition Therapy (FNS3103): This course focuses on controlling diet to maintain a healthy body.

  Sport Massage (SLS2110): Through this course, you can learn sport massage methods for different parts of the body, for different situations including injuries or fatigue.

  * Freshman Seminar: "Obesity Control for Healthy College Life" (UCS1001-53) is specially designed for students who want to control their weight. Health facts, as well as appropriate exercises according to each person's health status are taught in class. Interviews are mandatory to take the seminar.


  • Special summer & winter courses

  Summer Training: The course (SLS1105-01) will be held from August 21st to 24th. Various sporting activities including water skiing, wind surfing, snorkeling, yachting and beach activities are planned for this year. Grades will be on a curve, based on achievement, attitude and participation. The course will be divided into a major class and a general elective class.

  Winter Training: This four-day course requires a mandatory orientation. Students can choose from either skiing or snowboarding. In 2005, it was held in Vivaldi Park in Hongcheon. The tuition includes accommodation, insurance and transportation. Students have to pay an extra fee (about ₩20,000) to rent equipment.


  • Use facilities at Yonsei

▲ Fitness Center
  Fitness Center:  located on the third floor of Yong-jae-gwan annex, it is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monthly fees are ₩20,000 and an addi-tional ₩10,000 is charged for optional lockers. Shower rooms are available.
  Swimming Pool: The swimming pool is open to all students from 8 to 8:50 a.m. and 5 to 6:20 p.m. on weekdays Shower rooms are available but you should bring all utilities needed. (₩2500 for one use.)
  * Fitness Center: 2123-6165, Swimming Pool: 2123-3432

* Photographed by Bang Hyun-duk, Kim Hye-ji

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