Writing, Fear Be Gone

The writing counseling program

2008-10-28     Cho Hee-soo

 WRITING IS occupying a larger portion of Yonseian’s education time and no one can deny the importance of writing well. Yet, many students are facing difficulties in completing one good piece of paper. In order to lift their burdens, the Center for Education Development and Services at Yonsei Univ. has been giving writing counseling since October, 2007. The writing counseling program covers every writing style from papers to submit in classes to resumes used for employment. Every student at Yonsei Univ. is welcome to benefit from the program.

Counseling Guidance
  If one is willing to receive writing counseling, he or she should first access the Yonsei portal website (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) and click “Center for Education Development and Services.” After locating the banner for writing counseling, click to apply for assistance. If the writing material which needs to be proofread is uploaded before 5 p.m., he or she can receive 1:1 counseling from one of the four researchers at the center. Making reservations is available as well.

Subject: Undergraduate and graduate students (including foreign students)
Counseling Hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 17:00
Lunch Hours: 12:00 ~ 13:00
Guidance Time: Approximately 30 minutes per meeting
Counseling Materials: Any type of academic writing in Korean

Frequently requested help
- Writing various kinds of papers for a class
- Writing research papers for graduate school
- Writing a self introduction paper for an employment interview or resume package
- Preparing for the Legal Education Eligibility Test (LEET)

Yu Hee-yawl (Fresh., University College, Natural Science)
  My studies in high school were focused on science-related subjects and I had relatively less opportunity to learn about the Korean language. This fact let me unconfident about writing an article or a paper. Therefore, I always look for someone to check my writing before I submit it. The writing counseling program gave me a lot of help in solving this problem, as it gave me comments as well as feedback on my writing. However, if the program had no certain time limit for uploading papers and could be processed through e-mail, more students would be able to take advantage of this service.

Choi Key-sook (Prof., University College)
  Writing is an essential tool for conveying one’s ideas, and university students are required to do so in classes. The writing class, a compulsory course for every Yonseian, has its purpose to help students developing their writing skills. However, we mostly teach the basic skills and methods of writing. On the other hand, the writing counseling program covers every kind of writing and every Yonseian can greatly benefit from it. I recommend that Yonseians visit the center and get a chance to improve their writing skills as well as become confident in writing.