HUMAN SOCIETY has evolved around an axis of continuous "change in value systems." When geocentric theory was considered a universal and undoubted "truth" in the 16th century, Copernicus boldly claimed a heliocentric theory based on his research for numerous years. Although he could not openly claim this fact due to the blind atmosphere of the Catholic Church intimidating the lives of those opposing its principle, his notion turned out to be right. Moreover, most exceptional geniuses in diverse fields, and their works, have not been appreciated but were rather condemned in the eras they lived; their gifted talents became highly valued by posterity, as the paradigm changed.

   Paradigm, according to MacMillan English Dictionary, is "a set of ideas that are used for understanding or explaining something, especially in a particular subject." The civilizations and cultures of today are the fruits of incessant shifts of paradigm. Such change is carried on even today. In this context, this month's Cover Story deals with feminism and a new concept that derived from it, called masculism, clearly demonstrating the paradigm shift in discourse regarding the relations between men and women.

   As another year is coming to an end, let us reflect and deliberate whether our paradigms have changed, through things we did in the past year. Although there are many whose paradigms changed due to external influences, only a few would have been able to shift by themselves. Before the year ends, I hope Yonseians would think about their future deeply and make a long-term plan to become leaders who can change and shape the paradigms of this era.


 Kim Hwa-young (Editor-in-Chief)

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